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Benchmarking is the process of identifying, understanding, and adapting the existing examples of efficient functioning of a company to improve own performance;

Energy efficiency benchmarking is the process of collecting and analysing data with the purpose of evaluating and comparing efficiency in the use of fuel and energy resources;

External energy efficiency benchmarking is the process of collecting and analysing data with the purpose of evaluating and comparing efficiency in the use of fuel and energy resources among several organisations;

Internal energy efficiency benchmarking is the process of collecting and analysing data with the purpose of evaluating and comparing efficiency in the use of fuel and energy resources within a single organisation;

State information system “Fuel and Energy Complex” (GIS TEK) is the federal state information system containing information on the current condition and forecast for the development of the fuel and energy complex;

Homogeneous group is the group of enterprises composed of the same kind of members based on one or several characteristics;

Leader is a company, which has the best chosen criteria out of all companies considered in the rating process;

Energy conservation index is a qualitative and/or quantitative feature of designed or implemented energy efficiency measures;

Energy efficiency index is an absolute, specific or relative value of consumption or loss of energy resources established for the products of any assignment or technological process;

Rating is a numerical value of evaluations of company achievements from different standpoints, e.g. from an energy efficiency standpoint, supported by the analysis of financial and non-financial statements of enterprises, voting results, opinion polls, surveys based on classification, priority arrangement, evaluation and ranking of enterprises;

Energy saving recommendations are economic, organisational, technical and technological measures aimed at energy efficiency enhancement of technological object, with a mandatory evaluation of capabilities for their implementation, expected costs, and forecasted impacts in physical and value terms;

Self-regulatory organisations (SRO) are non-commercial organisations unifying business entities, which work in a particular sector of goods (operations, services) production, or unifying certain professional entities;

Fuel and energy resources (FER) is a sum of natural and production energy carriers, the stored energy of which can be utilised under the current level of technical and technological development;

FER economy is a reduction in consumption of FER, compared to the basic reference value, used for production of goods, performance of works and rendering of services of defined quality without violation of environmental restrictions;

Energy efficiency is a set of characteristics, reflecting the relationship between the positive effect from use of energy resources and the costs of energy resources produced in order to receive this effect, as applied to production, technological process, legal entity, sole proprietor;

Energy passport of industrial consumer of fuel and energy resources is a normative document reflecting a balance of use and indicators of efficient use of FER consumed during the economic activity by industrial entity, which can contain energy saving measures;

Energy survey is a collection and processing of information on the use of energy resources in order to receive reliable data on the volume of consumption of energy resources, on the energy efficiency indicators, in order to find opportunities for energy saving and energy efficiency enhancement with results to be registered in the energy passport;

Energy intensity of production is an indicator of energy and/or fuel consumption for main and auxiliary technological processes during the production of goods, performance of works and rendering of services on the base of a given technological system;

Energy consumption is a process of consumption of energy and/or energy carriers during the production of goods, performance of works and rendering of services in technological processes of manufacturing, maintenance, repairs and utilisation of goods;

Energy saving technology is a new or improved technological process, which is characterised by the higher FER use efficiency;

Energy conservation is an implementation of organisational, legal, technical, technological, economic and other measures aimed at reducing the use of energy resources and keeping the positive effect from their use (including the volume of produced goods, performed works and rendered services).